Girl From Hell / Jigoku Shoujo 「地獄少女」. One interesting anime series I've watched recently. This anime is supposed to be a horror anime, although personally I don't consider this anime series frightening ;P. It tells a story about a girl from hell - Enma Ai, whose job is to send people to hell as an act of vengeance, on behalf the protagonist of the episode. Each episode revolves on the story of the protagonist of the episode, how he/she were tormented by his/her antagonist until he/she can't take it anymore, accessed the hotline to hell (actually it's a website that can only be entered at midnight by a person with a strong desire for vengeance), entering the name of their tormentor, and finally entering a contract with Enma Ai, sending the antagonist to hell, at the price of his/her soul to be taken straight to hell when he/she dies.
During each episode, Enma Ai is aided with her assistants to investigate the protagonist's case, and each of the assistant can transform into a straw doll. Hone Onna - a beautiful lady with geisha-looking appearance and an ability to expose the bones in her body, Ichimoku Ren - a casual young man with ability to manifest an eye which can be used for spying, and Wanyuudou - an old man who can transform into a burning wheel.
Hone Onna / Ichimoku Ren / Wanyuudou / Enma AiThe first season of the series is somewhat boring, since it repeats the same formula with a little twist for almost the entire season. Luckily, at the end of the season we get an explanation how Ai started her duty as the Girl From Hell. The second season has more twisted and darker plot in each of the episode, which makes the series more interesting than before. There is also the live-action version, but unfortunately, it's somehow looks stupid, since it tries to mimic the anime version a lot, and Ai's face in the live-action version is too cute, it ruins the image of the Jigoku Shoujo ;P.
遍、死んで見る? - Would you try dying for once?